Tag Archives: Dawlance Kitchen

#ReliableHaiMustaqbil with Dawlance Kitchen & Dawlance Care Apps

Kyun k Dawlance reliable hai. How many times have you heard that? I am sure so many times as reliability has become synonymous to Dawlance over the years, making it one of the leading Pakistani appliances company. Being a consumer & user of Dawlance appliances like refrigerator & microwaves, I am a fan of their innovative products over the years.

Like what was the worst thing that could happen to a refrigerator? Seeing roaches around but Dawlance came to the rescue with an insect repellent technology equipped refrigerator. Then you have the Cook King microwave series of the stylishly smart ovens with built in recipe manuals & grill etc. Dawlance has become a household name for every Pakistani. 

With advancing times, Dawlance Pakistan decided to come up with smart solutions for consumers. In today’s digital world when everything is just about your smartphone, Dawlance decided to stay with you via their new Android apps. They have launched two extremely useful & easy apps for Pakistani consumers. 

Dawlance Care app will tell you about each and every product of Dawlance along with connecting you to their retailers & customer service representatives within no time. Download the Dawlance Care app here. 

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What got me more excited is the Dawlance Kitchen app. A voice navigated step-by-step guide to almost 50+ recipes that you can use to cook within minutes in a Dawlance microwave oven. The app is so smart that you don’t even have to touch the phone scree while cooking & following instructions from it. Just say next & the app will start guiding you for the next step of the recipe. Sounds fun. No? Download Dawlance Kitchen app to experience the fun of smart cooking yourself. Anyone can be a chef with Dawlance Kitchen.The app smartly connects the model of your Dawlance microwave oven with the recipes & tune them accordingly. No fuss, just good food in no time. 

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The best part is that the apps are made in Pakistan & Dawlance is proud to be the leading appliances manufacturer to step into app world. Glad to see brands making such digital landmark achievements to connect with consumers and offer them convenience. 

Way to go Dawlance Pakistan. I am so looking forward to the Air fryer that Dawlance has come up with. Can’t wait to see that in the market soon. The sound of oil less French Fries makes me already excited.